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作者:法律资料网 时间:2024-07-04 10:40:38  浏览:8311   来源:法律资料网
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第一条 为进一步发展福建省高、新技术产业,加强经济部门与科研单位、高等院校的联合,促进福建省与国外及港、澳、台地区的科技、经济的交流和合作,福建省人民政府以闽政〔1988〕综229号文件批准在福州、厦门两市分别建立科技园区,并以闽政〔1989〕综41
第二条 福州、厦门两市的科技园区分别设在福州经济技术开发区和厦门经济特区内。在科技园区内从事研究、开发和经营的高、新技术企业,均适用本规定。
第三条 科技园区的目标是发展高、新技术及其产业。科技园区内可以成立科技园区发展(集团)有限公司(下称科技园区发展总公司),作为科技园区的经济实体,省政府授权福州市经济技术开发区管委会和厦门市人民政府负责管理。科技园区内的高、新技术企业,可以是全民所有
第四条 科技园区发展总公司的成立及章程须经福建省人民政府或国家有关部门批准后,由福建省工商行政管理局办理注册手续,当地税务机关办理税务登记。科技园区发展总公司所属的高、新技术企业应在当地注册。科技园区内的利用外资项目审批手续,按国家有关规定办理。
第五条 科技园区内高、新技术企业的认定,以及科技园区新开发产品的申报,由福建省科学技术委员会负责组织省高、新技术企业及产品资格认定委员会进行审查批准。
第六条 科技园区发展总公司和园区内的高、新技术企业,均按国家有关政策,分别享受厦门经济特区和福州经济技术开发区的有关优惠政策待遇。
第七条 在科技园区内举办的高、新技术企业,企业所得税税率为15%。自企业开办后,从获利年度起,二年内免征所得税,第三至五年减半征收所得税。凡企业当年出口产品产值达到当年企业产品产值的70%以上的,减按10%的税率缴纳企业所得税。科技园区内举办的外商投
第八条 科技园区内高、新技术企业的生产、经营性基本建设项目,应符合厦门经济特区和福州经济技术开发区的总体规划要求。
第九条 福州市科技园区所需的建设规模、信贷资金、外汇等,由福州市计划委员会转报福建省计划委员会和省有关主管部门审核批准后,由福建省计划委员会和有关主管部门直接将指标下达给福州市科技园区。厦门市科技园区所需的建设规模、信贷资金、外汇等,由厦门市计划委员
第十条 科技园区内高、新技术企业为加工生产出口产品所需的进口原材料和零部件,免领进口许可证,海关凭合同或福建省人民政府指定部门的批准文件验放,由海关按照进料加工有关规定进行监管。经海关批准,在科技园区内可以设立保税仓库、保税工厂。
第十一条 国家各专业银行按照国家产业政策的导向,对科技园区内的高、新技术企业所需的短期周转资金优先贷放;企业用于产品出口和开发所需的外汇,短期内周转有困难的,可向金融机构申请外汇贷款。
第十二条 科技园区内高、新技术企业开发的新产品,可自行制定试销价格。经营国家没有统一定价的新技术产品,允许自行定价,报福建省物价委员会备案。
第十三条 科技园区内高、新技术企业,凡符合条件的,可申请进出口经营权,经批准后,可从事高、新科技产品方面的进出口业务。凡符合国家规定条件的,可以申请产品以产顶进,经批准后,可享受以产顶进产品的优惠待遇。有条件的高、新技术企业经申请批准后可以在国外设立
第十四条 鼓励科研单位、高等院校和企业中的科技人员及国外和港、澳、台地区的专家在科技园区的高、新技术企业兼职,兴办、领办、承包各种形式的新技术企业,或离职到园区内的高、新技术企业任职。有关部门要积极支持并提供方便,保障他们的合法权益。

第十五条 在科技园区内工作的科技人员的高级、中级职称评定工作,一般可由本省有关专业技术职务评审委员会负责评审;经福建省职称改革领导小组批准,某些专业也可由福建省科学技术委员会会同科技园区发展总公司聘请有关专家组织评审。
第十六条 在科技园区内的高、新技术企业的商务、技术人员因公需出国或赴港澳的,由福州、厦门两市人民政府从速办理。科技园区内的外籍工作人员,经福建省公安部门或省人民政府外事办公室批准,其签证可允许多次往返,居留时间可适当延长。
第十七条 在福州市洪山乡范围内,凡属为福州科技园区生产、开发高、新技术产品提供试验、试制、研究、辅助配套服务的经济实体,经福建省科学技术委员会审核,由福建省人民政府报请国务院或国务院有关部门批准,可比照享受科技园区内高、新技术企业的有关优惠待遇。
第十八条 厦门科技园区可根据经济特区的特殊政策,结合本地的实际情况,制定具体的实施办法。
第十九条 本规定由福建省科学技术委员会负责解释。
第二十条 本规定自发布之日起实施。

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第一条 为了加强广告管理,推动广告事业的发展,有效地利用广告媒介为社会主义建设服务,制定本条例。
第二条 凡通过报刊、广播、电视、电影、路牌、橱窗、印刷品、霓虹灯等媒介或者形式,在中华人民共和国境内刊播、设置、张贴广告,均属本条例管理范围。
第三条 广告内容必须真实、健康、清晰、明白,不得以任何形式欺骗用户和消费者。
第四条 在广告经营活动中,禁止垄断和不正当竞争行为。
第五条 广告的管理机关是国家工商行政管理机关和地方各级工商行政管理机关。
第六条 经营广告业务的单位和个体工商户(以下简称广告经营者),应当按照本条例和有关法规的规定,向工商行政管理机关申请,分别情况办理审批登记手续:
第七条 广告客户申请刊播、设置、张贴的广告,其内容应当在广告客户的经营范围或者国家许可的范围内。
第八条 广告有下列内容之一的,不得刊播、设置、张贴:
第九条 新闻单位刊播广告,应当有明确的标志。新闻单位不得以新闻报道形式刊播广告,收取费用;新闻记者不得借采访名义招揽广告。
第十条 禁止利用广播、电视、报刊为卷烟做广告。
第十一条 申请刊播、设置、张贴下列广告,应当提交有关证明:
第十二条 广告经营者承办或者代理广告业务,应当查验证明,审查广告内容。对违反本条例规定的广告,不得刊播、设置、张贴。
第十三条 户外广告的设置、张贴,由当地人民政府组织工商行政管理、城建、环保、公安等有关部门制订规划,工商行政管理机关负责监督实施。
第十四条 广告收费标准,由广告经营者制订,报当地工商行政管理机关和物价管理机关备案。
第十五条 广告业务代理费标准,由国家工商行政管理机关会同国家物价管理机关制定。
第十六条 广告经营者必须按照国家规定设置广告会计帐簿,依法纳税,并接受财政、审计、工商行政管理部门的监督检查。
第十七条 广告经营者承办或者代理广告业务,应当与客户或者被代理人签订书面合同,明确各方的责任。
第十八条 广告客户或者广告经营者违反本条例规定,由工商行政管理机关根据其情节轻重,分别给予下列处罚:
第十九条 广告客户和广告经营者对工商行政管理机关处罚决定不服的,可以在收到处罚通知之日起十五日内,向上一级工商行政管理机关申请复议。对复议决定仍不服的,可以在收到复议决定之日起三十日内,向人民法院起诉。
第二十条 广告客户和广告经营者违反本条例规定,使用户和消费者蒙受损失,或者有其他侵权行为的,应当承担赔偿责任。
第二十一条 本条例由国家工商行政管理局负责解释;施行细则由国家工商行政管理局制定。
第二十二条 本条例自1987年12月1日起施行。1982年2月6日国务院发布的《广告管理暂行条例》同时废止。(附英文)


Important Notice: (注意事项)
英文本源自中华人民共和国务院法制局编译, 中国法制出版社出版的《中华人民
当发生歧意时, 应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准.
This English document is coming from the "LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE
which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of the State
Council of the People's Republic of China, and is published by the China
Legal System Publishing House.
In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.

Whole Document (法规全文)
(Promulgated by the State Council on October 26, 1987)
Article 1
These Regulations are formulated for the purpose of strengthening the
administration of advertisement, promoting the development of
advertisement undertakings and utilizing advertisement as an effective
medium to serve socialist construction.
Article 2
These Regulations shall apply to any advertisements published, broadcast,
installed or posted in the People's Republic of China through such media
or in such forms as the press, broadcasting, television, films, street
nameplates, shop windows, printed matters, neon lights, etc.
Article 3
The content of an advertisement must be true to facts, sound, clear and
easy to understand and must not cheat users and consumers in any way.
Article 4
Monopoly and unfair competition shall be prohibited in advertising
Article 5
The administrative organs controlling advertisements shall be the State
Administration for Industry and Commerce and local administrative
departments for industry and commerce at various levels.
Article 6
Units and self-employed industrialists or businessmen wishing to engage in
advertising businesses (hereinafter referred to as advertising operators)
shall submit applications to administrative departments for industry and
commerce in accordance with these Regulations and the provisions of other
relevant laws and regulations and go through, according to different
circumstances, such formalities as examination, approval or registration:
(1) for enterprises specializing in advertising business, Business
Licences for Enterprises as Legal Persons shall be issued;
(2) for institutions concurrently engaged in advertising business,
Licences for Advertising Operation shall be issued;
(3) for self-employed industrialists or businessmen capable of running
advertising businesses, Business Licences shall be issued;
(4) for enterprises concurrently engaged in advertising business,
applications shall be filed with the relevant departments for change of
business scope registration.
Article 7
The content of an advertisement to be published, broadcast, installed or
posted shall be kept within the advertiser's business scope or the scope
permitted by the State.
Article 8
An advertisement that contains any of the following contents may not be
published, broadcast, installed or posted:
(1) that violates the laws and regulations of the State;
(2) that impairs the national dignity of the State;
(3) that involves designs of the national flag, national emblem or
national anthem or the music of the national anthem of the People's
Republic of China;
(4) that is reactionary, obscene, superstitious or absurd;
(5) that is fraudulent;
(6) that depreciates products of the same kind.
Article 9
News media shall provide clear indications for the advertisement they
publish or broadcast. News media may not publish or broadcast
advertisements in the form of news reports nor collect fees for these
reports. Journalists may not solicit advertisements in the name of news
Article 10
It shall be forbidden to advertise cigarettes through broadcast,
television, newspapers or periodicals.
After approval by administrative departments for industry and commerce, it
may be allowed to advertise famous wines and liquors of good quality which
have won prizes at the national, ministerial or provincial level.
Article 11
Due certificates shall be presented in applying for publishing,
broadcasting, installing or posting advertisements in the following cases:
(1) for the commodity advertisements concerning standards of quality,
certificates issued by administrative departments in charge of
standardization or by quality inspection agencies, authenticated to be
qualified by metrological verification, above the provincial municipality
level shall be presented;
(2) for the advertisements which indicate commodities as prize-winners,
certificates of award for the current session or year or for successive
sessions or years shall be presented and classes of prizes and prize-
awarding departments shall also be clearly indicated in the
(3) for the advertisements which indicate titles of high-quality
commodities, certificates of high-quality products issued by the relevant
departments shall be presented and clear indications shall also be made in
the advertisements as to when and by which departments the titles were
conferred on;
(4) for the advertisements which indicate patent rights of commodities,
patent licences shall be presented;
(5) for the advertisements which indicate registered trademarks of
commodities, certificates of trademark registration shall be presented;
(6) for the advertisements of the products which require production
permits, production permits shall be presented;
(7) for the advertisements concerning culture, education and public
health, certificates issued by the higher competent authorities shall be
(8) for the other advertisements which require due certification, papers
issued by relevant government departments or agencies authorized by them
shall be presented.
Article 12
Advertising operators shall check papers or certificates and examine the
contents of advertisements while undertaking advertising business or
acting as advertising agents. They may not publish, broadcast, install or
post any advertisements which violate the provisions of these Regulations.
Article 13
For the installation and posting of outdoor advertisements, local people's
governments shall organize the administrative departments respectively in
charge of industry and commerce, urban construction, environmental
protection and public security in jointly drawing up the plans, which
shall be implemented under the supervision of the administrative
departments for industry and commerce.
Advertisements may not be installed or posted in controlled areas near
government organs or cultural relics under special protection, nor in
areas where installation and posting of advertisements are prohibited by
local people's governments.
Article 14
Rates of charges for advertisements shall be fixed by advertising
operators and reported to local administrative departments for industry
and commerce and to those in charge of price control for the record.
Article 15
Rates of fees to be charged for acting as agents in advertising business
shall be fixed by state administrative departments for industry and
commerce and those in charge of price control.
Rates fees to be charged for the use of places and buildings for outdoor
advertisements shall be fixed through consultations by local
administrative departments for industry and commerce with those in charge
of price control and urban construction and reported to local people's
governments for approval.
Article 16
Advertising operators must, according to the relevant prescriptions of the
State, set up bookkeeping records, pay taxes according to law and subject
themselves to the control and inspection by the administrative departments
respectively in charge of finance, auditing and industry and commerce.
Article 17
In undertaking or acting as agents in advertising business, advertising
operators shall sign with advertisers or those who have entrusted them
with the business written contracts that shall stipulate explicitly each
party's responsibilities.
Article 18
Advertisers or advertising operators who have violated the provisions of
these Regulations shall be given the following penalties by administrative
departments for industry and commerce according to the seriousness of the
(1) stopping advertising;
(2) making public corrections as ordered;
(3) circulating a notice of criticism;
(4) confiscation of the illegal gains;
(5) fines;
(6) suspending business for consolidation;
(7) revocation of the business licences or the licences for advertising
operation. If the violations of the provisions of these Regulations are so
serious as to constitute crimes, criminal responsibilities shall be
investigated by judicial organs according to law.
Article 19
If advertisers or advertising operators disagree with the penalties
decided upon by administrative departments for industry and commerce, they
may apply for a reconsideration to the next higher administrative
departments for industry and commerce within 15 days after receiving
penalty notices. If they still disagree with the decisions made after
reconsideration, they may bring a suit in a people's court within 30 days
after receiving the reconsideration decisions.
Article 20
Advertisers or advertising operators who, in violation of the provisions
of these Regulations, have caused losses on the part of their users and
consumers or committed other acts of infringement shall bear the
responsibility for compensation. With respect to claims for damages, the
claimant may request the administrative departments for industry and
commerce above the county level for handling. If the parties concerned
disagree with the decisions made by administrative departments for
industry and commerce, they may bring a suit in a people's court. The
claimant may also directly bring a suit in a people's court.
Article 21
These Regulations shall be interpreted by the State Administration for
Industry and Commerce. The rules for implementation shall be formulated by
the State Administration for Industry and Commerce.
Article 22
These Regulations shall go into effect as of December 1, 1987. The Interim
Regulations on Control of Advertisement promulgated by the State Council
on February 6, 1982 shall be abrogated as of the same date.





第一章 总 则
第一条 为妥善处理劳动争议,保护国营企业行政(以下简称企业行政)和职工的合法权益,维护正常的生产秩序和社会秩序,促进社会主义建设,制定本规定。
第二条 本规定适用于企业行政与职工之间发生的下列劳动争议:
第三条 当事人双方在适用法律上一律平等。
第四条 发生劳动争议的职工一方,人数在十人以上,并且具有共同理由的,为集体劳动争议。
第五条 因履行劳动合同发生的争议,当事人可以向企业劳动争议调解委员会(或者调解小组,以下统称调解委员会)申请调解,也可以直接向当地劳动争议仲裁委员会(以下简称仲裁委员会)申请仲裁。

第二章 调解和仲裁机构
第六条 企业应当设立调解委员会。
第七条 调解委员会由下列人员兼职组成:
第八条 调解委员会主任由调解委员会在成员中选举产生。
第九条 仲裁委员会受理劳动争议,实行一次裁决制度。
第十条 仲裁委员会由下列人员兼职组成:
第十一条 仲裁委员会主任由同级劳动行政机关负责人担任。
第十二条 仲裁委员会成员和仲裁工作人员有下列情形之一的,必须自行回避,当事人也有权以口头或者书面方式申请其回避:
第十三条 仲裁委员会对回避申请应当及时作出决定,并以口头或者书面方式通知当事人。

第三章 处理劳动争议的程序
第十四条 调解委员会进行调解,必须遵守当事人双方自愿的原则,对任何一方不得强迫。
第十五条 调解委员会受理的劳动争议,应当自当事人口头或者书面申请调解之日起,三十日内结案;到期未结案的,应当视为调解不成。
第十六条 当事人向仲裁委员会申请仲裁,应当提交书面申请。
第十七条 仲裁委员会收到书面申请后,应当在七日内作出受理或者不予受理的决定。仲裁委员会决定受理的,应当自作出决定之日起五日内将书面申请的副本送达对方当事人;对不予受理的,应当作出说明。
第十八条 仲裁委员会受理的劳动争议,应当在查明事实的基础上进行调解,促使当事人相互谅解,达成协议。
第十九条 仲裁委员会对调解达成的协议,应当制作调解书,由双方当事人签字,仲裁委员会成员署名,并加盖仲裁委员会印章。调解书送达后即具有法律效力。
第二十条 调解未达成协议的,仲裁委员会应当及时仲裁。
第二十一条 仲裁委员会应当在仲裁前四日,将仲裁时间、地点以书面方式通知当事人。当事人经两次通知,无正当理由拒不到场的,仲裁委员会可以作出缺席仲裁。
第二十二条 仲裁委员会经协商后,按照少数服从多数的原则作出仲裁决定。对协商中的不同意见,必须如实记录。
第二十三条 仲裁委员会作出仲裁决定后,应当制作仲裁决定书,由仲裁委员会成员署名,并加盖仲裁委员会印章,送达双方当事人。
第二十四条 仲裁委员会受理的劳动争议,应当在六十日内结案。
第二十五条 当事人一方或者双方对仲裁不服的,可以在收到仲裁决定书之日起十五日内向人民法院起诉:一方当事人期满不起诉又不执行的,另一方当事人可以申请人民法院强制执行。
第二十六条 发生劳动争议的企业行政当事人与职工当事人不在同一地区的,由职工当事人工资关系所在地仲裁委员会受理。但省、自治区、直辖市人民政府设有仲裁委员会并另有规定的除外。
第二十七条 仲裁委员会进行仲裁,应当收取仲裁费。

第四章 罚 则
第二十八条 当事人干扰调解、仲裁活动,扰乱工作、生产秩序或者拒绝、阻碍国家机关工作人员执行职务的,按照《中华人民共和国治安管理处罚条例》的有关规定处理;构成犯罪的,由司法机关依法追究刑事责任。
第二十九条 处理劳动争议的工作人员违反本规定,情节严重的,由其所在单位给予行政处分;构成犯罪的,由司法机关依法追究刑事责任。

第五章 附 则
第三十条 本规定第二条规定以外的劳动争议适用或者不适用本规定,由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府确定。
第三十一条 省、自治区、直辖市人民政府可以根据本规定制定实施细则,并报劳动人事部备案。
第三十二条 国家机关、事业单位、社会团体因履行劳动合同发生的劳动争议,可以比照本规定执行。
第三十三条 本规定由劳动人事部负责解释。
第三十四条 本规定自1987年8月15日起施行。

